Monday, May 16, 2005

Joy of (not) Dating

I've gotten two emails just recently from my Yahoo Personals page. The first one I feel like I should write to, but my coming month and a half is just going to be retardedly busy. So I haven't yet.

The second one wrote me the following email:

My name - Oksana.
Me of 25 years. I liked your structure on a site and I at once have decided to write to you the letter.
I very much liked yours the image and in the following letter I shall send you the image, I hope, that I liking to you also
am strong, as you to me!!!
With impatience I shall wait for your letter!!!!
Please write the letters on mine e-mail: [her email address]
Sincerely Oksana.

Is there such a thing as Personals spam? If there is I think this is it. I don't think I'm going to write to her.

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