Monday, September 26, 2005


Tonight Norbert attacked me. I'm not sure what it was - one too many gentle* bumps on the nose when she tried to stick a paw in my soup or maybe one too many puffs of air in the face as she sunk her teeth into my hand. Whatever the cause, she'd had enough.

Norbert crouched on the far side of the couch, tail puffed, ears tucked away, and then leapt at me, teeth bared and claws extended. When I grabbed her out of midair we were both kind of surprised so she got away. The next pounce was more effective, in that I missed her and she got me. Pounce number three was another midair catch, but this time I was ready and took her into my room, blew on her, and tossed her onto the bed.

She stayed in there for a while, then got bored and came out to the livitchen where she fell asleep on my leg. I wonder if they make Zoloft in pet doses.

*From my original spelling spellchecker felt that "gentel bumps on the nose" should have been "genital bumps on the nose." I, however, felt that the word genital really changed the meaning of the sentence and calls into question my abilities as a cat dad.

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