Wednesday, September 07, 2005

I'm Here (But Not for Long)

This morning my supervisor's pager buzzed. He looked down and said that coworker who talks to dead people had arrived. He pages my supervisor, who is sitting in the depot, to let him know that he has arrived at the depot. And he does this every morning. How weird is that?

In semi-related news, yesterday I went to check a serial number on a mattress at a rehab facility. Today I went to pick up that mattress and was told that they guy who was using it died yesterday. As I recall, when I was checking the serial number there was a priest praying over the guy. I'm hoping the guy was being put at ease before he went, and not having something said over him just after he'd gone.

I asked a nurse before I went in if it was okay to check the serial number. She said, "sure, go ahead." I would assume that she might have said something along the lines of, "maybe you want to wait until they cart off the corpse" if they guy was dead. Don't you think?

I'm hoping to put off seeing my first dead person until, um, later.

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