Saturday, September 10, 2005

I'm So Rice-A-Roni

Today I rode my scooter to KQED to volunteer for the radio pledge drive. Later I'm going to ride my scooter to see M. Ward play is little known music live at Bimbo's 365 club.

At KQED a volunteer* decided for some reason that I was gay. He said, "Oh, you must go to Midnight Sun. No? The Cafe? No? The Endup? No?" He based his assumption on my saying that Robin Williams lives near Baker Beach. I can't figure out why this makes me gay. I mean, half of Baker is a nude beach, but last time I checked gay and nudist weren't redundant nor are they exclusively linked. And I'm neither of those so who knows.

If I hadn't gone to the mall to get money this would be a super San Francisco day. I wonder if I can get some clam chowder in a bread bowl for dinner.

*This same volunteer, when picked up the phone, would yell "Gooooood morning KQEDEEEEE! CAN I TAKE YOUR PLEDGE!?!"

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