Monday, October 24, 2005

Beauty and the Beast

Within the last two weeks we've had a hospice patient move from his apartment to the hospital, and then move back to his apartment. This is made easier by the fact that he has a caregiver guy who also lives in his apartment. So when I come to deliver his mattress to be (or pickup his mattress of late) there's somebody there to let me in.

I'm not sure who this caregiver is, maybe a son? I've never seen the patient so I can't judge on likeness. I only wonder because he doesn't look like your average caregiver.

The first time I saw him he was wearing flip-flops and very small jean shorts. That's it. He's about 5' 8" with medium length dirty brown hair slicked back over a weathered and smoke warn face. I don't think he's that old, but he sounds like he's been smoking since conception and his finger nails don't tell me any different. His arms are covered in tattoos and he's skinny and looks a little dirty. When I saw him today he was wearing jeans and a wife-beater. (It was cold out.)

While I wouldn't go so far as to say looks can be deceiving, sometimes they can lend some surprise to a situation. While I was setting up the mattress in the single bedroom I saw him fondly playing with a gray and back kitten which was about the size of a pound cake.

I guess it goes to show you: everybody likes kittens - especially when they're the size of a pound cake.

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