Thursday, October 20, 2005

Norbert Gets Her Comeuppance*

I am now fully aware that I have to shut the door if I'm planning on going to the bathroom in a standing position. If I'm going to sit, I usually leave the door open so Norbert can come see what I'm up to. (Which seems to be important to her for some reason.) But I guess I'm going to have to change my tactics a little. Maybe sit down first, then open the door.

The very second I opened the toilet lid Norbert jumped mostly into the bowl. Her rear legs where on the seat, but both front legs were in the water. I quickly scooped her up so she wouldn't climb all the way in and I set her in the sink. When I bent down to wipe the water off the seat she gave her left paw a flip and shot toilet juice all over my face.

Apparently Norbert hasn't been paying attention to My Name is Earl. Karma will get you. She really likes to get inside my towel and climb until the towel slides onto the floor, and usually she jumps up a bit to get a higher claw hold. Tonight she jumped a tad high and hit her head on the towel bar. That seemed to take the fun out of the bathroom for 5 minutes or so while she went and sulked in the hall.

I would cheer her up with her feather toy, but she seems to have hidden it someplace. She is a wily beast.

*Thank the lord for Google's "Did you mean:" feature. It always knows what I mean, even I've completely befuddled Word. I had originally spelled it comeupants.

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