Tuesday, October 11, 2005

My Only News

I figured out why Norbert bites me all the time, or use to. She does not like to have her tummy rubbed.

You'd never know that tummy rubbing isn't on her top 10 best things about being a cat list. When I come home she purrs and flops over on her back. I'm sure if she had opposable thumbs she would have made herself a little sign that said rub my tummy. But she doesn't, so she just squirms around and looks cute until I rub her tummy. And it goes fine for about a minute, at which point she walks away. All subsequent tummy rubs result in biting.

Because I've been avoiding her tummy since her spay, we've been getting along much better. (Although I think she's feeling fine. I know I wouldn't climb my computer chair at 1000mph if I had just had my uterus removed.) She's only bitten me a few times for, um, something. I'm still figuring out all her quirks.


Ginamonster said...

I've niticed that most kitties will let you rub thier tummy...for about 2 seconds before they won't let you anymore. if you're REALLY lucky, she'll let you bury your face in her belly. but watch your ears.

Michael said...

I can bury my face in there, but I mostly have to watch my scalp which gets punctured after only a few seconds of nuzzling.

Ginamonster said...

I am nuzzling vicariously through you. mmm kitty belly.