Tuesday, August 30, 2005

One Little Conversation

Because it's so close to my bed time, I'll just relate this small conversation I overheard in Safeway:

Safeway Checker: (Holding the Old Lady's check) What's your phone number?
Old Lady: I wrote it on the check.
SC: Where?
OL: On the check.
SC: Where on the check?
OL: In the middle.
SC: Where?
OL: In the middle of the check. On top.
SC: Oh. There it is. It's tiny.
OL: But it's there.
SC: Yes, but it's tiny.
OL: Yes, but it's there.

First off, who uses checks? Really.

Secondly, don't argue with customers because you weren't blessed with supurb powers of observation.

And lastly, open more self-service checkout lanes. Things go much faster if we don't have to work together.

1 comment:

Veruca Salt said...

First - yeah, what the crap is up with people writing checks? I haven't written a check in public in about a million years - I also hate it when people who write checks for stuff act like they're surprised that the checker is going to need their drivers license # and the other stuff - or people who wait until the last possible second to even start writing the check...

Second - unfortunately, I used to work in the customer service call center for that particular grocery chain and they don't like the self-check out things because there's not enough human contact - yeah, they want you to deal with their employees - no, I don't know why