Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Divide and Customize

Now, with this weekend's purchase of a loveseat and chair and tonight's purchase of a great big rug, my apartment is starting to look like an apartment**. I've been trying to move away from the dorm room motif ever since I moved in, but the going has been slow.

The first step was to get a real bed. I realized when I was watching The Office and a character on the show made a comment about grown men sleeping on futons that perhaps I should upgrade.

Step two was to put up pictures, paintings, and things in frames instead of posters of Wallace and Gromit, Radiohead, R.E.M., and Out-of-Focus-Batman*. Now I have framed photographs of "Suicide Clifford", "Sink on Fire", and "Mystery Mexican Family" among others. (And I was holding out on taking down my enormous R.E.M. poster until Norbert starting tearing it off the wall.)

The final step was to remove my futon completely from my apartment and get some real seating. And while I was at it, a carpet so it didn't feel like you were sitting on a couch in the kitchen.

So now I've accomplished all those things and won't be embarrassed to take a date back to my apartment. Which I will some day do, assuming I can avoid discussing bedsores, describing myself as completely friendless, and driving for hours in circles. Maybe I should focus on that stuff now.

*OoF Batman was a poster I bought at my local video store in high school. He's a glow in the dark Batman, but the glow stuff is slightly off center so when the lights are on he just looks like he's out of focus.

**I know, not a great sentence. What I am trying to say is that it looks like somebody who is 3 years off 30 lives there instead of 3 years of 20.

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