Monday, January 30, 2006

The Problem With Tempe

My issue with Tempe, other than the plywood and springs method of bedding at the Comfort Inn, is the humidity, or really the lack there of.

Tomorrow at 2pm, the humidity in Tempe will be paltry 14%. Tonight, the humidity in my living room was 70%*. One of these places keeps my lips feeling soft and supple, and the other leaves them cracked, flakey, and arranged in kind of an angry bite-kiss shape.

They are on the road to recovery now, but my lips were in bad shape in Arizona. And I know I could put on chap stick, but I haaaate chap stick. It feels so disturbingly icky. I don't want any part of my face to be to sticky or gooey. Putting on chap stick for me is akin to being hit in the face with a stick of bacon and not reaching for the nearest handy-wipe. Or perhaps like going to bed with a slab of butter nestled between my lips. It might be a culinarily lovely way to spend an evening, but it's going to make my face feel gross until I wipe it off.

And so my lips remain, uncomfortably recently exfoliated, but recovering unaided.

*I turned on my dehumidifier and now it's 50%. I don't much care for dry skin, but I also don't like indoor rain storms.

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