Saturday, January 07, 2006

I don't understand slipcovers.

I'm looking for a couch and chair for my apartment. At the moment I have a futon in my livitchen which makes a fairly nice bed and an awful couch. Unless I sit bolt upright with my legs up on my coffee table, it's extremely uncomfortable. I'm 5'10"-ish, and if I sit all the way back in the futon my feet barely touch the ground. If I stretch out on the futon and don't have some pillows adjusted just so I get terrible neck and shoulder pain. And it's ugly.

So I'm searching through criagslist to find myself some better seating arrangements and I'm finding billions of sofas hidden under slipcovers. If it's a nice sofa, then I'm sure the slip cover is meant to keep it nice. But nobody can tell it's a nice sofa because slipcovers are so ugly. Like putting a Ford Festiva suit on your Mini Cooper. And if it's an ugly sofa, then it's going to be an ugly sofa under an ugly slipcover. Rather like dressing a turd up in a vomit suit.

With that said, if I go buy the chair/couch combination tomorrow, I'm going to have to cover it up to keep Norbert from ruining it during her last week here. So hypocrisy will be only temporary, and therefore discountable.

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