Saturday, September 11, 2004

Child's Play

On they way home from a service call today I saw not one, but two inflatable bouncy castles. I hadn't seen one for more than a year, and I certainly had never seen one in the city.

The second one was just your average generic bouncy castle, but the first one was a top-of-the-line Rainbow Bright brand castle. I was really impressed, and I wish I had taken my camera with me.

You really have to plan ahead to get a bouncy castle in the city. Both were half on the sidewalk, and half in the street, but still contained within a parallel parking spot. It's a good thing those castles are enclosed, or there might be kids bouncing right out into traffic. That's quick way to ruin a birthday.

Don't let anyone tell you that raising a kid in the city will keep them from having a rich and full set of childhood experiences.

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