Monday, September 13, 2004

Dates and Nipples

My date went fairly well. As good as a first date can go I guess. I wasn't comfortable per se, but I wasn't as uncomfortable as I can get, which is saying something. When I get too uncomfortable my brain shuts off. For instance ...

I saw her walking toward to door to Starbucks, so I got up to open the door for her. I pulled the left door. Locked! I pulled the right door. Locked! Oh no, did they close while I was waiting for her?! No, they didn't. Both doors say push in big letters right on the door handles. I think my intentions were clear.

All in all, it was a success. She was able to keep the conversation going, and she initiated the hug at the end. Honestly, if I didn't manage to find girls who like helping the emotionally handicapped, I would be seriously out of luck. We're going to get some ice cream or something on Thursday.

My other big event for the day was getting me new driver's license in the mail. I had to renew it because when one turns 26, it expires due to one's extreme old age. The DMV also requires that you wear your pants higher.

Along with my new license came my new organ donor card. To indicate one's donorness, there is a little pink round sticker that says donor in the middle. It is encompassed by a larger pink sticker that doesn't say anything and seems to serve no purpose other than to make me feel uncomfortable when peeling the middle part out. Like I'm taking apart a little paper nipple.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy 2006!