Sunday, September 19, 2004

Experimenting With My Pants

In my quest to never buy any new clothing (apart from t-shirts), some of my everyday clothing is starting to fray. For instance, my kaki work pants develop tassels every two weeks. I'm not a big fan of tassels.

Until recently I had some jeans that were quickly falling to pieces. There were holes in the knees, and I was developing a pretty good hole where my keys lived. Everything was becoming threadbare in the area except for a little spot upon which I'd spilled some pink paint. Of all the bits of my pants to stay put, the pink embarrassing bit was the one to stick around. Annoying as it was, it did give me an idea.

To try to keep my work pants going strong, today I cut off the tassels and sprayed the cuffs with clear flat lacquer. I'm hoping I'll remain tassel free and happy.

(Not that anyone wanted to know about painting my pants, but I guess people don't like the photo of a graffiti-penis being the headline anymore.)

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