Wednesday, September 22, 2004

String of Oddities

I've been in a little vortex of weird the past few days.

It started on Sunday, when after a sunny and moderately windy day, I turned on the news to discover that Oakland had been battered by a respectable storm. Drains had backed up, onramps were flooded with 3 feet of water, signs had blown down, and yet 10 miles away, not an meteorological peep.

Then Monday I had a delivery to a Kaiser facility to put some extra mattresses in a storage room. I guess they are using the entire wing as storage, and it is the creepiest place I've ever been. It looks like a hospital, but there are no patients, there are holes in the walls, doors are hanging off their hinges, the carpet is ripped, there are toilets upside down in the bathrooms, and every hall is lined with empty hospital beds as far as the eye can see. All the rooms are filled with various hospital supplies: One room is filled with portable commodes, one stacked to the ceiling with little pillows. That's one place I wouldn't want to spend the night.

Finally, yesterday I noticed my rear-left tire was looking low. So I went to a gas station to pump it up, and on the way back I drove over a nail. Now my rear-right tire had a hole. You know you have a problem with your tire when you can hear it hissing from 10 feet away.

We'll see if it is indeed a vortex of weird, or if it expands to a week of weird.

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