Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Two Portions of Day

The first portion of my day is getting a little too frequent. After delivering a Mattress in Napa, I discovered my pocket contained more empty space than I'm comfortable with. Sure enough, sitting next to my book, in the little bin between the front seats of my van, were my keys. Unfortunately, this van has much smaller spaces between the ceiling and the metal screen. I guess I'm challenging myself.

I learn from my mistakes (ok, not enough to keep track of my keys) so I tried the same thing I tried last time: Hook a bungee cord around the door handle and pull. It was much harder this time, being as I could only fit up to my forearm through the screen space, but I did it. I hooked, and I pulled, and the door stayed locked. I guess Astros don't unlock that way.

A new plan was in order. This time I took my small metal-tipped bungee cord and bent one hook out a little. Then I hooked the other end around my full-sized, plastic-ended bungee. I pushed this setup, half my palm, and all of my fingers through the space in the middle of the screen, right over the bin. It took quite a bit of casting, which is hard when you can only use your fingers, but I finally hooked my keys and pulled them up through the crack.

I NEVER lock my keys in my car, and I've locked them in my van twice in a month. I may reach my innovation limit soon and resort to calling AAA.

The second portion of interest was tonight at 8:30 when my sister called. Apparently she's going to be a backup singer for Lyle Lovett when he comes to Eugene, which is my sister's city of residence. I mean, it's Lyle Lovett, but on the other hand, it's Lyle Lovett. Hmm, typing doesn't convey the sentiment. I'm not a big Lyle fan, but he's definitely famous and he married Julia Roberts. When you weigh both sides, it comes out pretty cool.

P.S. My previous post was post #69. Kinky.

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