Friday, September 03, 2004

The Roof is On Fire

Ok people. If you want to fill your lungs with tar, work up a nice case of emphysema, and reduce the resale value of your car by smoking, go right ahead. If it doesn't effect me, I don't care. However, today it was effecting me.

Cars, because they are designed with cancer in mind, come with ashtrays. Ashtrays are where cigarettes go to die. They are not supposed to go out the window on 80E near Dixon, nor on 113N near Davis. Especially when it's exceptionally windy. Especially when it is bone-ass dry. Especially when the freeway is surrounded on all sides, and divided by long dry grass. Lets try to suppress the retardedness.

On my way to Davis I was held up in traffic by a brush fire on 80E in the center divide. Traffic was slow for a bit, but it looked like it only burned 20 feet or so of shrubbery. (Knee!) However, when I got to Davis, then tried to leave again, I couldn't because the freeway exits were all closed due to the huge clouds of billowing smoke and sparks sent shooting across the street by the 25mph winds. So far at least 1 building has burned down. I hope they get it put out soon.

I feel safe living in San Francisco where there are no plants.

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