Thursday, September 16, 2004

Who, Me?

The bad news is that my ice cream (which I SOOOO want to type as one word) date didn't happen tonight. The good news is that it has been moved to tomorrow night, and has become a movie date. Movie dates are nice because afterward you can talk about the movie, and during the movie you can not talk about anything; thereby relieving the stress on my conversational skills.

Speaking of which, in the post-date email wrap-up, I was described as being a good conversationalist. Don't be fooled by my eloquent blog, I don't talk nearly as well as I type; especially when my brain is in half power date mode. Perhaps she goes on a lot of dates and has me confused with somebody blessed with high verbal aptitude. I do get quite a few "you look like ..."'s from people. Maybe it's finally working to my advantage:

"Is he the guy who, in an interesting yet understandable way, explained the nuances of string theory, or the one who couldn't figure out how to open the door at Starbucks? They look so similar."

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