Sunday, January 23, 2005

Captain Pot

Today I went to a trailer park in the middle of nowhere. As I entered the trailer, it was obvious that these people were heavy smokers. The air was almost chewy, and it smelled like the a place where cigarettes go to die. I replaced the pump because they complained that the old one turned off from time to time. They also complained that something smelled like it was burning.

I have an excellent sense of smell, but I don't know how anyone could smell anything in that trailer. I thought about saying, "yeah, I think that's your house you smell."

I was sure I was back in the city when, a few blocks from my house, I saw a guy get off the bus wearing a huge, rainbow flag/cape adorned with a gigantic marijuana leaf. His lower half was covered by bright red hammer-pants, and on his head he wore an enormous, white wig. I got the feeling that these clothes were his everyday-wear.

It reminds me of the tale of the hick mouse and the crazy mouse.

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