Wednesday, January 26, 2005

I'm Scary

I tend to worry about things more than I need to. I worry that I'll appear creepy, overly dorky, or unhappy. (I think my default face looks unhappy.) When I write emails I worry what the recipient will think of them. Most of the time it turns out to be nothing.

But when I emailed the girl I googled, she immediately took down her posting and sent me a message back via the personals so I couldn't see her email address. In the message she told me:

"omg. that was actually a bit scary.
i didnt even realize anyone would do a search on my screen name via google.
that thing on my pix is to show that i am the one who took the prevent anyone stealing it and post it somewhere else (not that that'd ever happen) but i'd never imagined that by posting that pix as one of the profile pix, someone would actually do a search on me. i'll be very honest with you, either i'm too much of an internet naive or you just know how to use a search engine really well or what..but in short, that was a bit freaky -_-"

So now I feel really bad that I freaked her out. But it's not like I did some crazy google magic. I just typed one single word into google and all 6 matching links were hers. I'm neither a hacker nor stalker.

I'm hoping she isn't too freaked. She did include some other small talk and ended her email with, "have a nice night then." (The stuff inside the quotes there was a whole sentence all by itself at the bottom of the email.) But I don't think her word choice, lack of capitalization, and oddball emoticons bode well anyway.

On the bright side, I've probably solved my problem of having too many possibilities at once. I seem to be back to a comfortable one, and that one seems like she’s pretty cool. She likes Muse too, though she also likes Will Ferrell. I guess nobody’s perfect.

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