Tuesday, January 25, 2005

A Flurry Of Communication

Yesterday, as I also mentioned, a 24 year old law student who speaks for languages messaged me. I sent her a message via Yahoo, and she has just emailed me back. Now I've just emailed her back again. I think we're having a conversation.

Mere hours ago, yet another 4 language speaking girl sent me an Icebreaker. (That's the free message you can choose from a list of 6 or so.) So I sent her an email.

My first inclination is that this is all of a sudden going much too fast. I like to date one person at a time. I guess if NNM writes back I could set up something up along the lines of elimidate. Could get a show out of this somehow?

The other weirdness is that the Icebreaker girl put some identifying information on one of her pictures. The Yahoo staff is usually pretty good about booting anything that will let you find people outside their site, but they seem to have missed this one. Anyhow, with this information I managed to find her blog and some photo galleries. Now I've been able to look at a bazillion pictures of her as well as watching 2 short movies she made. (Not those kind of pictures or movies. Just vacation pictures and a movie of the beach. And I mean literally of the beach. She pans 360 degrees over the sand and then waves at her camera. It's kind of cute.) And now I'm feeling kind of creepy, but I've already sent her an email, so if she thinks I'm creepy too, she can just ignore me.

Luckily for women, I give up easily. I'm far to defeatist to be a stalker.

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