Thursday, January 27, 2005

I Hate Dating

I'm sure that's been a title before, but it remains true.

The law school girl emailed and said she and her friends were going to an art opening at The Canvas Gallery tonight and that I should give her a call and let her know if I was coming, and if we could schedule some coffee time.

I chickened out of meeting her there. I tend to feel like I'm in over my head when I meet one person for the first time. If I have to meet a whole group I feel like someone's holding me under.

So I called, and it really went fine, but I'm still stressed out a full 2 hours later. The call lasted under 4 minutes and my brain was only functioning for maybe 30 seconds of that.

[Talking about going to coffee on Sunday.]
Her: So, how do you want to do this? Do you have a car? Do you want to pick me up?
Me: Uh, yeah. I have a car. I can pick you up. Do you want to email me your address?
Her: I could do that. I could also give it to you now too if you'd like.
Me: [Brain has totally shut down at this point.] Yeah, I think email is good.

Was I saying that it would be good for her to email me her address, or was I expressing my opinion that, in general, email is good?

Me: Where do you want to go for coffee?
Her: I haven't lived in the city that long. You should pick.
Me: How about starbucks?

This is San Francisco and there are roughly 1000000 coffee shops around. It's kind of embarrassing to pick starbucks.

And what time are we going to coffee? I guess the time didn't make the list as something I should figure out before a date.

I really am grateful that girls will slog through my interactions with them, unencumbered by thinking as they are. I literally stumble into relationships by accident. I can't keep my wits about me long enough to do it on purpose.

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